Extreme Disablement Adjustment (EDA)
The Extreme Disablement Adjustment is a disability pension
paid to veterans to compensate them for injuries or diseases
causes or aggravated by war service or certain defence service on
behalf of Australia.
The EDA rate can only be considered for veterans who have
reached 65 years of age and who are not eligible to receive a Special (T & PI) or Intermediate
Rate of Pension.
As the name suggests, the degree of incapacity from war or
defence-caused conditions must be extreme. The assessment
only takes into account the medical impairment and lifestyle
effects of a disability. It does not have regard to whether
or not a veteran is employed, no any regard to income or assets.
We strongly recommend that if you are going to make a
disability claim or an increase in disability claim you consult
an ex-service organisation, (that you have confidence in), who
have pension officers that have competed the Training
Information Program, (TIP).
For further information on applying for the Extreme
Disablement Adjustment, contact your nearest DVA office or visit
their web site at www.dva.gov.au
and look up fact sheet DP30.
The Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia can assist any
veteran of any conflict by providing advice and
assistance in regard to all pensions matters. Simply
contact your nearest