Ex-Service Organisations

There are quite a number of veteran and ex-Service organisations that exist to help veterans and their dependants in all manner of things ranging from social activities through to welfare and pension services as well as advocacy in the appeals process.

Here is a list of just a few who in addition to the Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia, can provide assistance in dealing with DVA or other government departments and organisations:

  • Returned and Services League of Australia (RSL) - has local branches supporting State branches throughout Australia.  Visit their web site at www.rsl.org.au
  • Legacy is committed to the care of widows and the nurturing of the children of war widows, known within the Legacy family as "Junior Legatees".  Visit their web site at www.legacy.com.au
  • War Widows Guild of Australia - is committed to the welfare of widows.  Contact them at ww.guild*pnc.com.au
  • Regular Defence Force Welfare Association (RDFWA) - is situated in each state and territory of Australia, offering welfare services to members and ex-members of the Australian Defence Force.  Visit their web site at www.rdfwa.org.au
  • The TPI Association offers welfare and social activities to TPI's throughout Australia.
  • Naval Association - offers welfare and services to members and ex-members of the Royal Australian Navy.  Visit their web site at www.navalassoc.org.au
  • Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia - an ex-Service organisation dedicated to helping all veterans in their dealings with DVA or other government departments or instrumentalities.   If you require assistance, contact your nearest sub branch.
  • Vietnam Veterans Federation of Australia - is dedicated to the welfare of Vietnam veterans and their families.  They have no other aim.  They assist veterans in making claims to the DVA and provide advocacy services.  Their web site is at www.webmaster.net.au.

This is NOT a complete list of ex-Service organisations, just a few who offer services to veterans and their dependants.  We strongly recommend that in your dealings with DVA you seek advice from an ex-service organisation in which you have confidence.


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