The General Service Medal 1962 with Clasp 'South Vietnam'

The General Service Medal 1962 was awarded for:
- Army - Service of 30 days or more, not necessarily
continuous, in South Vietnam between 24 December 1962
and 28 May 1964 inclusive, while on the posted or
attached strength of any unit or formation of Her
Majesty's Forces in these territories.
- Air Force - Service of 30 days or more, not necessarily
continuous, in South Vietnam between 24 December 1962
and 28 May 1964 inclusive, while on the posted or
attached strength of any unit or formation of Her
Majesty's Forces in these territories, or one sortie or
more into South Vietnam by air crew personnel in direct
support of operations.
- Civilians - Members of the following accredited
philanthropic organisations serving with the Australian
- Australian Red Cross;
- Salvation Army;
- Young Men's Christian Association; and
- Campaigners for Christ.
The obverse shows the crowned head of Queen Elizabeth II, with
titles, while the rather plain reverse has a crown and
FOR/CAMPAIGN/SERVICE, in an oak wreath.
The ribbon is violet with narrow green edges. The medal
is not issued without a bar. A bar inscribed South Vietnam
was issued with the medal.
Only 68 medals were issued to members of the ADF, all to the Australian Army
Training Team Vietnam (AATTV).
Report of the Committee of Inquiry into Defence and Defence
Related Awards
Collecting Medals and Decorations - Alec A Purves
Other research by Barry Saxby OAM and Clive Mitchell-Taylor JP
Image adapted from that kindly provided by Director of Honours
and Awards, Department of Defence, April 1999