VVAA Welcomes Review of Vietnam End of War List
Media Release – 30 March 1999
The Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Mr Bruce Scott announced
in Parliament on Tuesday 30th March 1999 that there
would be a review of the Vietnam End of War List.
The Review Panel is to consist of Mr Noel Tanzer AC, a former
Secretary of the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, the National
President of the R & SL, Major General Peter Phillips AO MC,
and Mr Clive Mitchell-Taylor JP, National President of the
Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia.
The VVAA congratulates the Minister on making the decision to
review the contentious issue of the award of the Commendation for
Gallantry for those individuals originally recommended to receive
the Military Medal. The six nominees refused the Commendation, on
the basis that it was a far lesser award than was merited, and
the ex-service community – especially the VVAA and the R &
SL - have continued to pursue the matter on their behalf.
Mr Mitchell-Taylor said that he welcomed the opportunity to
take part in the review, and that the members of the panel would
be required to put aside their personal opinions in order to
consider the facts and make recommendations to the Government
that would result in a fair and equitable outcome.
The experience of the members of the panel, and their
knowledge of the military environment should enable them to make
an accurate assessment of the relative merits of the issues put
before them.” Mr Mitchell-Taylor said. Major General Phillips
and I have been critical of the Government’s response to the
End of War List, and now the onus is on us to consider the facts
and make recommendations that truly reflect the merits of the
citations for gallantry in battle.”