Media Release - 8 December 2000
The Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia welcomes the
passing of the Veterans Affairs Legislation (Budget measures)
Bill 2000 in the Senate, the National President, Brian McKenzie
said today.
The Bill contained the government response to the needs of the
Vietnam veteran community identified in the Health Study released
last year. It gives much needed assistance to dependants and
former dependants of Vietnam veterans, gives access to
counselling services, psychiatric diagnosis and specifically
addresses the high incidence of suicide on the children of
Vietnam veterans.
Mr McKenzie said "The bill had been held up after an
amendment introduced by the Opposition and Democrats to give
coverage to the SEATO Civilian Surgical Teams under the Veterans
Entitlement Act”. He said that despite this setback, the
Association was unwavering in its resolution to assist the
Surgical Teams from Vietnam to obtain their entitlements and
would be pursuing this with the government for a satisfactory
outcome in the future.
Mr McKenzie said; 'The Association commends the Opposition and
the Democrats for permiting the Legislation to proceed unamended,
thereby ensuring that the much-needed assistance is available to
our families on 1 January 2001. In particular we appreciate the
difficult decisions made by Hon Graham Edwards, Senators Chris
Schacht and Andrew Bartlett that guaranteed that the legislation
was passed.'