Veterans' Indemnity and Training Association Inc
Membership of VITA is open to all bona fide
Ex-Service Organisations providing assistance to veterans and
their dependants in relation to claims, welfare and
appeals. This assistance must be provided free of charge or
with only a minor administrative fee.
The objectives of VITA are to provide member organisations
with adequate professional indemnity insurance cover and to
promote the professional standards and training of
practitioners. This latter objective is pursued through the ATDP
which is a nationally recognised training organisation.
This is not accident or director's insurance, but solely
professional indemnity insurance for pensions and advocacy
practitioners working under the auspices of organisations which
belong to VITA.
The cost of membership is very modest for each member
organisation, regardless of the number of State Branches or Sub
Branches, or the number of practicing authorised advocates.
The Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia is a member of
VITA, and fully supports its objectives. ATDP trained
Pensions/Welfare Officers and Advocates who are formally authorised by
the VVAA are insured by
VITA and bound by the ethical and behavioural standards imposed on them.
For further information:
Secretary VITA
CMDR Ward Gainey RAN (Ret'd)
Telephone 0407 126 270
Email click
VVAA Authorising Officer
Mike Benyk (Vice president)
Telephone 0414 880 671
Email click