United States
Air Force Outstanding Unit Award
(With Combat V Device)
Number Two Squadron,
The Royal Australian Air Force
Citation for
The No 2 Squadron,
The Royal Australian Air Force
The Number Two Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force,
distinguished itself by especially meritorious service in support
of military operations against opposing armed forces in Southeast
Asia from 19 April 1967 to 31 May 1971. During this
period, the Number Two Squadron flew over 11,900 combat sorties
in all areas of the Republic of Vietnam in support of the airwar
conducted by the United States Air Force. Although
its aircrews were exposed to intense ground fire, surface-to-air
missile barrages, adverse weather, and hazardous terrain, the
Number Two Squadron maintained a superior combat record and
conducted its operations in a manner that contributed
significantly to the mission of the Free World Military Forces in
Southeast Asia. The distinctive accomplishments of the
Royal Australian Air Force Number Two Squadron reflect great
credit upon itself and the Royal Australian Air Force.