Clearance Diving Team Badge USN Meritorious Unit Commendation

The United States Navy
Meritorious Unit Commendation
Royal Australian Navy
Clearance Diving Team Three

USN Meritorious Unit Commendation

[Crest courtesy of Directorate of Public Information - Navy]

The US Navy Meritorious Unit Commendation confers on the recipient the right to wear a distinctive pennant, a green pennant with yellow, blue and scarlet horizontal stripes top and bottom.  In addition, members of the ship's company serving in the ship during the period for which the citation is awarded, wear a separate ribbon.

The Commendation, established in July 1967, is a highly valued honour and during the period of the Vietnam war, had no equivalent in the Australian system of awards.  The award may be made to any unit of the US Navy or US Marine Corps which has distinguished itself in combat or non-combat situations with valorous or meritorious achievements.  The award ranks immediately below that of the US Navy Unit Commendation.

The award may also be conferred upon units of armed forces of nations serving with the armed forces of the United States, providing that these units meet the standards established for US Navy and US Marine Corps units.

Citation for RAN Clearance Diving Team Three

The Secretary of the Navy takes pleasure in presenting the Meritorious Unit Commendation to RAN Clearance Diving Team Three for service as set forth in the following citation:

For meritorious achievement while conducting defence and surveillance operations in the harbors of Vung Tau, Cam Ranh Bay, Qui Nhon, and Nha Trang, in the Republic of Vietnam during the period 19 February through 30 June 1967.   As a part of the Inshore Undersea Warfare Group ONE, Western Pacific Detachment, the Royal Australian Navy Clearance Diving Team THREE displayed well-coordinated effort and exemplary performance of duty during the planning and establishment phase of the counterinsurgency operations.  Although operating in an environment where the United States Navy had virtually no past experience, detachment personnel were instrumental in denying enemy forces freedom of movement within assigned harbors.  Harbor Defence units detected, boarded and searched large numbers of suspect junks and craft, contributing significantly to the curtailment of acts of sabotage and the flow of enemy supplies.  Through their initiative, versatility, reliability and professional competence, the officers and men of the Royal Australian Navy Clearance Diving Team THREE reflected great credit upon themselves and the Royal Australian Navy, and upheld the highest traditions of the naval service.


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