Long Tan Cross

The Long Tan Cross Memorial Fund was founded in June 2000 to try to gain official status for and bring a greater degree of permanence to the Long Tan Cross . The committee comprised veterans of 6 RAR, the Long Tan Veterans Association, RSL, AVVRG (both in Australia and Vietnam) and the Navy and Air Force.

Fundraising was commenced shortly afterwards with ex-Service and veterans organisations targeted in a bid to raise $60,000. In addition to the Cross renovations, it was considered appropriate to provide funding for some local road works to assist the local Vietnamese as well as improve access for visiting veterans.

 The Long Tan Cross within the renovated surrounds

While funds were sought, the AVVRG, with assistance at times from the Australian Consulate, made approaches and submitted plans to Baria Vung Tau Peoples Committee and the Union of Friendship. Being a communist country, there were many committees and many meetings. The proposed road improvements became less of an issue to the locals, as agreement regarding the Cross renovations began to emerge.

It was March 2002 when the Long Dat Peoples Committee called a meeting attended by members from adjoining wards, Police Departments, Foreign Affairs and the AVVRG. The Chairman declared that all were in agreement that work should proceed and presented a civil contractor who would do the work. A contract was duly produced and signed by Rod Burgess of AVVRG and a deposit paid.

The Cross as it was

On the 15th April 2002, representatives of the AVVRG and the Australian Consulate were invited to a ceremony at the site where the formalities of official handover were conducted.

On behalf of all Australians, Mr Rod Burgess accepted the beautifully restored Memorial site and assured the Chairman of the Long Dat Peoples Committee that visitors to the site would observe the correct protocols.

The Long Tan Cross Memorial Fund Committee, on behalf of all contributors and veterans, extend sincere thanks and gratitude to the AVVRG, Australian Consulate (Ho Chi Minh City)and the Vietnamese officials and workmen for a magnificent result.

The committee also asks that any persons contemplating a visit to the area observe the protocols listed below.


  1. It must be remembered that Vietnam is a communist country and that foreigners cannot change the rules. Even for locals, movement can be restricted. In a nutshell, if you wish to visit the Long Tan Cross, you must have a permit. The fastest way of obtaining the correct documentation is to use a company like VUNG TAU TOURIST COMPANY (vtautour@hcm.vnn.vn). Telephone in country (064) 850110 or Fax (064) 856444. Arrangement can be made from Australia and confirmed prior to travel. This is a virtual door to door service and the company is reputable. There are other companies offering a similar service. The advantage of these tour companies is that they come with an English speaking guide and that generally 24 hours notice is sufficient time for them to arrange permits. Alternatively you can see the Union of Friendship in Vung Tau where a permit will cost about US$5.00 and take 5-7 days to arrange.
  2. Groups should not be larger than 20.
  3. Medals are not appropriate in this environment and should not be worn.

Further information concerning the renovation project can be obtained from The Long Tan Cross Memorial Fund.

Chairman Kel Ryan Mobile 0418 759120
Secretary Graham Smith  Mobile 0438 400449

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