Vietnam Medal

Qualifying service for the Vietnam Medal for the relevant
period 29 May 1964 to 27 January 1973 includes:
- 28 days in ships or craft on inland waters or off the
coast of Vietnam;
- one day or more on the posted strength of a unit or
formation on land;
- one operational sortie over Vietnam or Vietnamese waters
by air crew on the posted strength of a unit; or
- official visits either continuous or aggregate of 30
The obverse shows the crowned head of Queen Elizabeth II, with
titles, while the reverse has a the inscription VIETNAM above a
symbolic representation of the ideological war in Vietnam.
A male figure stands between two spherical shapes.
The ribbon has a vertical central section of bright yellow
which has centrally superimposed on it three thin stripes of red,
(representing the South Vietnamese flag) flanked by two stripes
of red (representing the Army. On the left is a dark blue
stripe representing the Navy and on the right, a light blue
stripe representing the Air Force. Nearly 50,000 of these medals
were issued to Australian and New Zealand personnel.
Report of the Committee of Inquiry into Defence and Defence
Related Awards
A Matter of Honour - The Report of the Review of Australian
Honours and Awards
Additional research by Barry Saxby
Image adapted from that provided by Director of Honours and
Awards, Department of Defence, April 1999