1. The National Executive determines portfolio responsibilities at
the conclusion of the VVAA National Congress
2. All State Branches are to be notified of these allocated
responsibilities by the National President in accordance with Policy
GE 012.
3. A member of the National Executive has overall responsibility
for the management of each portfolio, including Sub Committees.
4. The National Executive or National Council in special
circumstances may appoint a Sub Committee to manage a specific task
or project.
5. All representatives are to ensure that a Briefing Note and
minutes of meetings attended on behalf of the Association are made
available to the Portfolio Manager for distribution to the members
of the National Council.
6. Correspondence relating to any representation must be
sanctioned by the National Executive and privacy markings determined
together with the level of distribution (Policy GE008).
7. All representatives shall be included on the normal National
Council distribution list to ensure they are kept up to date with
current VVAA issues and policy.
8. Those appointed to represent the Association should have
suitable expertise and experience.
9. Where an expert is required or geographical reasons dictate,
the Council may appoint a representative under Clause 21(e) of VVAA
Constitution and Policy GE003.