Virtual Sub-Branch

The virtual Sub Branch of the VVAA was formed in order to fulfill a need identified by the National Executive in 1999.  Many Vietnam veterans in Australia live in remote areas, are unable to attend meetings, find out about the issues currently involving veterans or about the Association's response to those issues. 

Other veterans live overseas, and for the same reasons are unable to stay in touch.  An expanding number of United States Vietnam veterans are seeing how the VVAA has taken the lead in identifying and addressing veterans' issues, and want to be a part of that process.  Others served with Australians, and identify strongly with the Australian experience as it relates to Vietnam veterans.

The virtual Sub Branch, as implied by its name, is operated through the electronic media, email and the internet.  If you haven't got regular access to the internet and email, then there's probably not a lot of point in joining.  The virtual Sub Branch is administered for the time being, by the Victorian State Branch of the Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia.

What do you get?  For $A20.00 (which is currently less than $US12) per annum, payable on 1 January each year, you will receive copies of National correspondence that relates to Vietnam veterans' issues, redirects of Department of Veterans' Affairs media releases, electronic copies of Debrief and of any State Branch or Sub Branch magazines that are provided to the National Executive in electronic form.  You have access to the memorabilia/sale items, including badges through the e-commerce part of our site.

What don't you get?  Well, there's no formal management structure to the virtual Sub-Branch.  It doesn't have a President, Secretary or Treasurer.  Consequently you don't get to vote people into management positions, or on issues relating to Vietnam veterans.  Although we might include a questionnaire from time to time, just to see what the feeling is.


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